54°19'07.73''N  4°23'20.66''W


The Clubhouse is on Brookfield in the centre of the town and marked on the map. If you are entering the town on the A3, come along Lezayre Road until you reach the traffic lights at Parliament Square, the Swan Hotel will be on your right hand side. Turn right into the square and then next right past the filling station. Continue on that road until you are almost at the top of the rise. A block of tall terraced houses will appear on the right, turn to the right into the Club car park just before the first one. If you are arriving along the A18, the Mountain Road, follow the road into the town and past the first set of traffic lights and the bus station along until taking a left turning just before you reach the filling station. Then along that road as above. By the A2, the coast road, keep on the main road into the town and then keep on Waterloo Road and thence onto Albert Road passing the car park on your left. At junction at the end of that road turn right and then next left past the filling station and then as above.


what3words - camps.airplay.adding





Ramsey Golf Club Limited, Brookfield, Ramsey, Isle of Man. IM8 2AH.

Telephone 01624812244 ramseygolfclub@manx.net



























54°19'07.73''N  4°23'20.66''W


The Clubhouse is on Brookfield in the centre of the town and marked on the map. If you are entering the town on the A3, come along Lezayre Road until you reach the traffic lights at Parliament Square, the Swan Hotel will be on your right hand side. Turn right into the square and then next right past the filling station. Continue on that road until you are almost at the top of the rise. A block of tall terraced houses will appear on the right, turn to the right into the Club car park just before the first one. If you are arriving along the A18, the Mountain Road, follow the road into the town and past the first set of traffic lights and the bus station along until taking a left turning just before you reach the filling station. Then along that road as above. By the A2, the coast road, keep on the main road into the town and then keep on Waterloo Road and hence onto Albert Road passing the car park on your left. At junction at the end of that road turn right and then next left past the filling station and then as above. The Clubhouse is just below centre of this view of Ramsey and the North.


what3words - camps.airplay.adding